Sarah Gregersen
I help organisations bring sustainability strategies to life by activating an ecological consciousness in teams, leaders, and organisational eco-systems.
I facilitate organisations to enable life-friendly system, product and process design, inspired by solutions evolved by nature over 3.8 billion years.
My name is Sarah Gregersen I am an optimist, working in the field of sustainability, biomimicry and leadership.
Here are a few points on my history of work:
CO Founder of https://geniusoflife.com
CO Founder of https://www.nordicbiomimicry.org
Collaborator with https://www.learnbiomimicry.com
Graduated with a MA in ethical leadership in 2009 with focus on sustainability.
Visiting lecturer in several institutions.
Worked in the UN and for the last 4 years
Learning designer at Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University.
Worked with multinational organisations like IKEA, ICRC, Airbus, Chanel, Amcor and Ricola.
Based in The Nordics, Copenhagen and works globally.
“Working in the field of sustainability, biomimicry and leadership is sometimes a bit challenging. Most leaders today have none or little clue how to address the complexities of the issues that we are facing. Most are educated with a logic that may serve us well in the previous century, but it's not geared to address the challenges that we are facing today”.